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Conservatives now want to blame mass shootings on big pharma. That most shooters are on depression meds etc. I don't know that that's true and if it was, is the argument that society and these people would be overall better off without the drugs? I assume they'd never support banning people on these meds from having access to the guns. 2A etc.

Anyway, it's the guns that make somebody who'd otherwise stab a bunch of people, much more efficient killing machines.

Associated Press - By DARKO BANDIC · A teenager stabs a 7-year-old to death and wounds a teacher and 3 more children in a Croatian schoolBy Associated Press - By DARKO BANDIC

@wjmaggos You're right. I think we need to eliminate access to guns by the gang members. I'm opened to suggestions.


they do it pretty well in other countries by lessening everyone's access to guns.

but maybe in the US we could do it differently. mandate that every gun is insured for damages caused. call them militias. private entities that oversaw all purchases and tracked them. the govt wouldn't know where the guns were, only that the militia was responsible for it. if they were needed to end a federal dictatorship, the legal responsibility would go out the window anyway.

@wjmaggos They do what well in other countries? Be specific? They take guns away from gangs? Criminals? What countries?

Every megalomaniac wants to ban shit all the time - guns, speech, food, gas stoves, cars, knives, etc. There is no end to all the "solutions" they have created in their own minds, which is the only place any sweeping ordinances work.

@FourOh-LLC @OneEyeKing

so we should be able to buy cyanide, poison gas and nukes on Amazon? lots of shit is banned. the real world is a complex mix of smart and dumb laws made with good and bad intentions, imperfect enforcement, different levels of demand etc. decent people with different experiences and worldviews. it's not just megalomaniacs who reject your libertarian utopian bullshit. get off your high horse. progress is made with good faith conversation and compromising.

You CAN buy cyanide, explosives, nuclear fuel. All you need to do is build the industrial-grade consumption infrastructure, academic or scientific instruments, and so forth.

But you are not a scientist, not even an engineer, so you would not understand this. For you the world is "complex" because you are involving yourself with issues way over your head.

Authoritarian megalomaniacs always try to fix things ain't broken, or permanently broken. Maybe you should spend some of your efforts to ban assault cars committing mass murders, because guns are MADE to kill living things, everybody knows that.

But how do you separate one car that is going to be used in bombings or in mowing into a crowd, hm?

Do not start a fight you cannot win.

@FourOh-LLC @OneEyeKing

you started the fight. a debate about changing laws (which is what free people are supposed to do) became megalomaniacs wanting to ban everything. I assume because you're a libertarian absolutist who sees slippery slopes everywhere.

my militia proposal above is a compromise. I want more gun control but I'm also trying to accommodate gun rights arguments. that should be obvious. but it's ignored. you jump in full asshole. what are you here for?


@wjmaggos Despite of how you paint yourself with your oversimplified definition of empathy, we established that you're just an authoritarian looking for your version of a "compromise". Infringing on people to push your childish version of the world. The way you ignore questions is the way you conveniently ignore reality. Because in your world reality doesn't matter. Again..... how do we take the guns away from the gangs?


Precisely. More laws criminalizing-law abiding US Citizens will not do it.

Some of us are asking you, on the Fediverse, to come up with any proposals BUT more laws criminalizing law-abiding citizens (red-flag laws).

Because this is OUR network, and there are no "censorship" here. We own our nodes, and we are not going to sue ourselves for writing something out-of-line.
Drugs and Gangs are rightful and necessary part of Humanity.

"The School of Hard Knocks" discipline is real. A lot of good comes out of it besides the bad. Ivy League graduates produce bad results so there is some symmetry.

So, I boost and see some solution regarding how we take guns away from gangsters?
Laws created this. The same Laws some people think are their protection.

The only protection you have is gun, ammo and skills. I recommend high skills, some ammo and a revolver with P+ of the recoil you are actively training to handle.