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Partisan Night Slut

This pose last night. She must've workshopped this sort of bullshit.

What a leader!

@PNS Still pissed off about the Nordstream Pipeline comments by Trump. Still not voting.

@PNS me when my colleague came in the middle of my morning coffee to rant about the stupid orange man

Autists hard at work already I see

@lethn @PNS you love to see it.

However, her earring doesn't have the gold piece on the bottom.

If she had an earpiece, it would be the other ear that she kept turned away.

Could argue that but I could also very easily argue that they likely knew people would be looking since it's all high resolution now they probably switched parts or got a different design from the company to hide it a bit.

@lethn @PNS could be. They have the budget to custom build one.

They’re the fucking American government. They have shit decades more advanced than any shit CES can produce.

@PNS how accurate is this? The last debate i watched in entirety (or really at all) was bush/gore, and that was because i was required to to pass a polysci class, and that had some marvelous whoppers (approaching "i invented the internet, he invented snorting cocaine while draft dodging" schtick)

i don't doubt it, ABC is awful for consumers of the content and the people producing it and the backend people and basically everyone except the shareholders and principals (C-level)

@PNS lol it's not for lack of access that i didn't watch it (or any in the last 24 years).

It's specifically because sometime after i came of age it didn't make sense. Being young(er) at the time i actually lost a lot of respect for most of my elders for acting like this "system" was worth anything, specifically because i had to analyze those 2000 debate(s), there were 3 i think. i have them on a burned DVD in a lockbox, ffs.