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White Ethnostate


* Communism has failed
* Fascism has failed
* National Socialism has failed

and now

* Diversity has failed

@amerika @PNS

National Socialism didn't fail, it was destroyed by external powers.

@Richard @amerika @PNS excellent point
and it took all of globohomo to do it
@Richard @amerika @PNS btw we aren't letting jews and other 'white' shape shifters in either, they can live with their golems

>dats raycis reee
fuck you i dont care, get away from the security perimeter or get shot
@Richard @PNS

Disagreed. It was unstable as fuck and that manifested in its utter failure.

Do not follow the art students. Hitler would have used an iPhone.

@amerika @PNS

Gtf out of here, it took the combined effort of all the other superpowers in the world to kill it.

@Richard @PNS

The Wehrmacht was good, just like in the previous war, but National Socialism was collapsing from within already.
@Richard @PNS

Germany: 0-2 on world wars despite having the best military.

Massive bungling.