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@Zennagain Car drivers: "I can't tell if there's a parking space there, I'm going to slow down to a crawl so I can peek around the car and look, and make no indication whatsoever, oh hey, it is a spot, let's suddenly rush into it, again, with no indication whatsoever".

Also car drivers: "It's dual-lane on the far side of this crossing, THAT MUST MEAN IT'S DUAL LANE ON THE NEAR SIDE TOO I'M GONNA GO THROUGH AND NOT CHECK IF THE CROSSING IS IN USE"

Who doesn't drive a car?😂 Someone from a city? No snow? I can't comprehend.

@Zennagain I'm talking about bad drivers, which seem to be the majority?
Anyway, I mostly don't drive because I don't like paying registration, paying for fuel, paying for parking, l ooking for parking, or traffic jams.
Somehow, I'm still one of the better drivers around.

Not possible to live in s rural area and not drive. I would prefer not to drive. Have to though.

@Zennagain Yeah that's reasonable. I am planning to move to bumfuck nowhere, preferably somewhere cold and wet year round, next year.
Probably I will still not have a car though, around here there aren't many places that are *that* far out that there isn't a grocer.
Actually I technically own a car right now but that was, as far as I am aware, completely coincidental.