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Bitcoin is about to overtake Silver's market cap...

Well that was fast

@nbs use silver to buy bitcoin.



Just gonna hold my physical silver. Still has its “oh shit” end of the world uses, but I also don’t like getting raped on the spread to get out.

In the 99.99% "The internet is still there" scenario, Bitcoin is the clear winner.

In the 0.01% "Lights the fuck out" scenario, handguns, ammo, food, fuel, whisky, cigarettes, etc are all usable and so they have built-in demand, so they can probably be traded.

Silver and gold don't really make sense in either case. They only make sense in the case that we literally rewind the world back 200 years and go back to a middle-advanced economy which needs a standardized store of value and settled on precious metal.

@cjd @nbs gold and silver can make sense in a lot of scenarios. Even today with everything working.


@Richard @cjd

I dislike the “are gold and silver useful compared to X” debates because they largely end up at the apocalypse scenario. Nobody knows what the fuck anybody will be doing or valuing and 99.9999999999999% of us will be dead before said apocalypse begins.

Waste of time to debate it. I like gold and silver, they are good market hedges. Always will be when it matters, and I don’t care about the apocalypse scenarios.

The belief that a soft, largely useless metal has intrinsic values seems like a Jewish trick.

> I'll give you this useless metal for your wheat, goy.
>Largely useless
>Makes women happy for simps
>Seems like it has more value than most objects
On a side note, women like jew-elry too. 😏

> Buy my rocks.
Women are the jew and nigger of the sex.
>buy my rocks
israel's #1 export is shiny rocks. And it's #1 customer is the United States. Weirdly enough, the diamond merchants also created guidelines telling folks exactly how much you should pay them.

Synthetic stones for pennies on the dollar from China. Or a sizeable chunk of your annual income to the tribe that corrupted marriage.

It's excellent for use as ballast in a keel because saltwater won't corrode it.

You won't need a boat where you're going. Ssshhhhh.... just let it happen.

Fuck you, man. I'm gonna fly home now!

@Humpleupagus @Richard @nbs @cjd yet people ITT think used electricity and already solved math are better stores of value
If you're looking for hedges, you want paper gold (with all it's problems) because at least you can liquidate it quickly...

@nbs @cjd

It is all about diversification. Why decide that one thing is best?

Seems retarded.

@nbs @Richard @cjd

Just buy it all. Stocks, treasuries, real estate, Bitcoin, gold, silver... also steel, brass, lead, some stable fuel and a couple of pallets of liquor for in case of defecation colliding with rotating blades...