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Any of youse setup a home SSO server? I am thinking about doing this but I am lazy.

Sir Spoons [Brooklyn]

@IceCubeSoup migrating off a Google Workspace and might want to have the domain as an SSO root

@the0ther @IceCubeSoup I don't know what Google Workspace does tbh nor have I used an SSO system per-se but it would be pretty easy to set up any number of servers with just one login cred.

Just a few off the top of my head:
-root-only linux
-single-user linux

Also you can use mumble (I think) for teleconferencing.

cc @Zergling_man @dcc @p
@realman543 @the0ther @IceCubeSoup @Zergling_man @dcc I think jitsi is better for that, probably; mumble is more like an IRC channel.
@p @dcc @IceCubeSoup @the0ther @Zergling_man TBH I've never really used Mumble and definitely not Jitsi, but it looks fine too from a cursory glance.
@realman543 @IceCubeSoup @Zergling_man @dcc @the0ther I don't like stupid mouth-talking, regular IRC is better.
@realman543 @the0ther @IceCubeSoup @p @dcc I haven't done SSO stuff. Seems kinda dumb to me when you could just have public key auth instead.
@Zergling_man @dcc @p @IceCubeSoup @the0ther Single user anything is only useful when you're the only user using it and then what does it matter how one system works over another? Just make it work for you.
@realman543 @the0ther @IceCubeSoup @p @dcc No that's not SSO. It's some proto for saying "fetch my credentials from x source".
@realman543 @the0ther @IceCubeSoup @p @dcc IIRC it's a proto written by jewgle. "Just ____" is obviously not going to be the right answer.
@Zergling_man @dcc @p @IceCubeSoup @the0ther Disagreed. If you don't want to use Google don't use Google. Solve the problem (usually rather easily) using any number of non-faggot sources.
@realman543 @the0ther @IceCubeSoup @p @dcc Whatever stuff he wants to use supports SSO and doesn't support public keys.
Which I take as an immediate red flag to avoid such; they could have just supported public keys instead.
@Zergling_man @dcc @p @IceCubeSoup @the0ther Sacrifices must be made in the transition away from gay, privacy shattering/disrespecting, downright evil services and software. Simple as.
@realman543 @the0ther @IceCubeSoup @p @dcc That's not true. You stop using software that hates you and actively works against you, and start using software that doesn't, where's the sacrifice?
@Zergling_man @dcc @p @IceCubeSoup @the0ther The sacrifice is the time and effort involved, which in 95% of cases is minimal.
@realman543 @Zergling_man @IceCubeSoup @dcc @the0ther It's even better if you just don't do anything that involves a browser.
@p @dcc @IceCubeSoup @the0ther @Zergling_man Browser go brrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrcccccccccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🧨