How tf do people take vacations? Where do people get the money? For shits and giggles, I looked at a little hotel/restaurant about 40min north of Acapulco. Not a tourist resort, cheap to stay at, good food, etc. The fuckin cheapest roundtrip flight out there: Minimum $6500. How the FUCK do people just drop $6500 for flights to places? What trick am I not being told about?
@BillGnarlson yeah, dude, this is why we canceled our summer vacation and aren't returning for Thanksgiving, to get back east for the latter was going to run us close to $4K with flights and car rental. I'm just not doing that.
These fuckin prices are absurd.
you should be able to get to any place you've heard of, and back, for less than that.
I'm seeing one fifth of that to fly... arbitrary dates in Nov from a medium-sized US city.