Yes. She should be charged with perjury, fraud, filing a false police report, etc. Should face as much time as the falsely accused would have.
Not jail; she has earned prison.
Jail and prison are often used interchangeably as places of confinement. If you want to be specific jail can be used to describe a place for those awaiting trial or held for minor crimes, whereas prison describes a place for criminals convicted of serious crimes.
Those in favor of semantic exactness with these words will be glad to know that we do include specific uses for each word. Prison is “an institution (such as one under state jurisdiction) for confinement of persons convicted of serious crimes” and jail is “such a place under the jurisdiction of a local government (such as a county) for the confinement of persons awaiting trial or those convicted of minor crimes.” If you are serving a sentence for a ...
misdemeanor (such as stealing something of small value), or if you are waiting trial, it will likely be in a jail. If you are serving a sentence for a serious crime (such as murder) it will likely be in a prison.
@ILoveAmericaNews -- Yes.
@ILoveAmericaNews She should be raped, then imprisoned.
As long as its under oath then sure.. what does that have to do with the picture though. As far as I know she was never found guilty of false accusation in fact, she won the civil case. Was there some new development I missed?
@freemo Then at least she should face the same consequences as someone who accuses another of some crime that never took place. Slander.
A simple accusation isn't enough to qualify as slander. But yea if she meets all the criteria absolutely.
But again she was found to be telling the truth in court so....
@ILoveAmericaNews Robert;
Did you seethe interview with Alina Habba? Not one Dime will be paid to that woman We are going to counter-sue
Prison time, absolutely
Absolutely. Why should they be given a chance to ruin a man's life with impunity?