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It amazes me that the anti-crypto crowd would rather be at the mercy of the payment processors that they hate than to accept any crypto transactions.

Crypto isn't perfect, don't get me wrong, but these "all crypto bad" types prefer you not to use it, even for donations because otherwise you are catering to those evil ancaps and contributing to climate change.

Unfortunately, there really is no other option for those who want to donate or purchase things online (semi)-anonymously and/or without a man in the middle. Maybe something like GNU Taler will fix that, but I don't know who uses that or how that works.

@xianc78 Have you seen the fees on crypto.

@RoboftheVolcano At least it's not going to a single entity. They go to miners.


@xianc78 As a business owner I don't care who I pay the money I want it to be less. Until crypto is less it does not work.

@RoboftheVolcano I'm talking from the perspective of someone who advocates for decentralization and those who have been deplatformed from banks and payment processors, not so much for businesses trying to maximize profits. But yeah, transaction fees are a problem.