@Twig smoked fish. It's actually good stuff, and I say it even tho I generally dislike fish
@Twig also, a keyboard with some sort of unholy layout and gay stickers on it
@Humpleupagus @Twig the man should prolly practice on a barrel fist
He is a Russian
@Twig @Humpleupagus impossibru. Russian gun laws are so strict that all you can get a permit for is a shotgun. Unless of course you're friends with someone in the government, in which case you can have whatever the F you want, but then you sure won't be posting videos about it
I meant the guy with a smoked fish and a gay keyboard, a Russian
@Twig @Humpleupagus
Damn! He must be living in exile being gay AND ruski. Guess that explains the keyboard
He is in Switzerland…
@Twig @MCMLXVIIOTG @Humpleupagus
Yeah! It's clearly exiled Ivan the gay!
@MCMLXVIIOTG @Humpleupagus @Twig how dare you bring logic into this conversation?! Shame on you! Repent!
@ThatCrazyDude @MCMLXVIIOTG @Humpleupagus
Absolutely correct
@MCMLXVIIOTG @Humpleupagus @Twig sudo repent
Got it, smoked