@mcread end game
because russia is a superpower and ukraine is right next to it.
without massive support from nato they'd never had a chance anyway.
that's why the war was about to end two months after it had started..and then nato came in and picked up the bill...
nato is responsible for hundreds of thousands of non-nato body bags.
that's the definition of fucking evil geo-politics.
..somehow the world still believes that the usa/nato are the good guys..
propaganda in the media seems to work pretty fucking well for them.
I have my own crazy idea about why Ukraine is loosing the war.
Because Russia is the biggest country in the world and Russia produce more weapons than the combination of the western world.
It's like explaining why the deer is losing to the beer. It's self explanatory.
The West is in their "say hello to my little friend" moment of history ... we'll go down while wearing a very expensive suit ...