@icedquinn okay maybe i'm disabled, what is that fiio thing, is that a bluetooth receiver so you can plug wired headphones into it and use them wirelessly? why do they show BT IEMs? does it also MitM bluetooth between your telephone and your headphones?
I'm having a real hard time coming up with why anyone would want that specific device as opposed to, say https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01B4W40VC for the former and a purple rock with googly eyes on it for the latter
@icedquinn uh.... huh.... lossy lossless digital audio codec. Sony already had a good digital audio codec.
So... the fiio thing is a bluetooth sink, then? the one i linked is sink or source, you select with a switch.
the one i linked, i got one, not sure its the same brand, but it's my second one. the first one died.
after 5 years of 24/7 powered on and extreme light duty use. The current one is 4 years old.
amazon search term "taotronics bluetooth" shows the generic module these days ;-)
@icedquinn aside: anker makes one and if mine broke today i'd order the anker without even scrolling more.