Just a reminder, third-parties are the only parties do not support Israel's genocide on Palestine and their war of aggression throughout the middle east. Both Trump and Biden have been the biggest supporters of Israel.. Anything other than a third-party vote this year is a vote in favor of genocide.
@freemo Also a reminder, this is what gets Trump elected again.
@realcaseyrollins @hornblower @freemo maybe, but https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-09-29/ty-article/trump-wanted-to-condition-aid-to-israel-on-peace-deal-with-palestinians-new-book-claims/0000018a-ddf0-dfee-a9ee-dffce8790000 for whatever that's worth.
I like Trump's isolationism, but sometimes I worry if he's a bit *too* isolationist.
@realcaseyrollins @hornblower @freemo Didn't military aid go slightly down with Trump, after going up a lot under Obama and then before going up a lot again with Biden?
> Didn't military aid go slightly down with Trump, after going up a lot under Obama and then before going up a lot again with Biden?
This is something I should really look into TBH
Didn't #BenjaminNetanyahu brag to #TuckerCarlson or somebody about lying to #Trump / the #USA already about conditions for aid?
@realcaseyrollins @hornblower @freemo https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/04/trump-israel-gaza-war-00150577 I think he's saying the right things: get this done quickly, move for peace deals, etc, etc.