Back from my monthly trip to the store.
My town/county is overrun with inconsiderate brown aliens who don’t speak English.
It’s become progressively worse over the last 4 months.
I fucking hate it, and it’s never getting better.
@eriner How are they inconsiderate? Are they rude or violent towards you or other patrons?
> be me
> out for monthly grocery store trip
> brown aliens everywhere, gets worse every month
> none of them speak English
> move in packs of 3-4 adults at a time, block entire isles
> I say "excuse me", no comprendo.
> Eventually they realize I'm trying to get by them and they move
> I smile and nod, universal non-city American friendliness
> they stare at me, furrow brows, and give me stink eye
> I pass them and am forced to smell the 16 person apartment they live in
> done shopping, go to checkout.
> stand in line behind a country boy who only has a pack of steaks in his hand, no cart.
> self-checkout frees up.
> before country boy can get to checkout, arab man wearing a dress and holding prayer beads bolts in front of country boy with his two shrouded mannequins.
> country boy, a too-kind American, looks at me like "WTF?" but does nothing
> I walk in front of him and tap arab man's shoulder, point to country boy, point to all three of them, then gesture to the back of the line.
> Arab man says some arab things, collects his mannequins, and gets in line.
I fucking hate it here. That's what the State wants, and it's what they're getting.
This will not end well no matter what happens.
@realcaseyrollins I think many people don't understand what importing aliens does to a nation.
There's a reason people oppose it, and it's only done historically by corrupt and failing States.
Culture and civility are abused by people who come from places where everyone behaves that way, thus they had to behave that way to survive.
Those instincts don't go away because they don't see a problem with the ruthlessness and incivility. But it comes at the expense of everyone else.
@realcaseyrollins Integration, the adoption of the culture and shared values, doesn't happen in one lifetime. It takes many generations, and even then, those "shared values" are often quite disparate. Very obvious in America for decades.
It has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, religion, or anything else in isolation.
It is 100% about culture, which is a combination of all those things (where, when, and to whom you were born), and time.
Indiscriminate importation of aliens is always bad.
@dcc @eriner I mean it's not like the #USA doesn't have a culture, it just keeps either importing people without integrating them into it like we're seeing with third world immigrants, or excluding people from it who have already been here like you've pointed out with the African Americans.
That #GIF is hilarious BTW