it'd really suck if your family had planned a trip — maybe bought plane tickets, prepaid a hotel room — to one of America's national parks over the holiday break.
@interfluidity Sounds like the #Democrat members of #Congress should support a spending bill that'd let people take that trip as planned huh
@realcaseyrollins absolutely. the one they negotiated in good faith for weeks and remain perfectly ready to pass.
@interfluidity lollllllllll It's always somebody else's fault
@realcaseyrollins you know, facts of the case actually matter.
@interfluidity Of course they do.
@interfluidity On a more serious note, in a perfect world, each line item would be voted on separately, so that the folks in #Congress could pick and choose what they want to fund, and the items where there is more consensus--like the funding of state parks--aren't held up by what people are arguing over.
#MikeJohnson was supposed to get us to that point long ago, but despite the fact that it was the reason he was appointed and the #FreedomCaucus can depose him, he's still speaker of the #House
@realcaseyrollins i guess i think horse trading — i'll assent to your priority if you assent to mine — is an important part of the legislative process. it'd save money if only individual line items a majority supports git funded, but i don't think it'd lead to better government over all. your community might really need some Federal support of a health clinic, and mine might need a bridge repaired. funding both might be better overall, from a national perspective, than neither.
> your community might really need some Federal support of a health clinic, and mine might need a bridge repaired.
Why wouldn't state funds go to that rather than federal funds?
@realcaseyrollins because we mutually insure one another and the Federal government has far more capable and flexible financial tools than the states.
@interfluidity Who mutually insures who, and why?