"What is the base risk if you had none?"
dunno how it's right now, but in original trial report from pfizer in december 2020 the poison jabs only had a absolut risk reduction (ARR) of 0,84%.
so >99% of the 36523 people didn't get covid.
you had to vaxx more than 100 persons to -statistically- stop 1 covid case.
and they ignored non-covid illness and death.
they didn't care that the poison fucks up people..unless the people hat "covid symptoms".
this data was good enough for them to push this dangerous experiment into hundreds of millions of bodies.
"not as deadly as we were told."
the covid-death numbers they told us were totally garbage, because they counted "died with covid" and not "died by covid".
if you're in a car crash and the PCR test found sars-cov2 (dead or alive virus) in you, you're counted as a covid death.
the hospitals took part because they profited financially from covid deaths.
@mk I’ll agree with you it was a shit show for no good reason. The panic/fear that it struck into people is unforgivable. I doubt that we’ll ever see enough punishment handed out for the damage done.
"for no good reason"
bill gates and his buddies made a fuckton of money... there's a "good reason".
Gates is a megalomaniac
those asshats all deserve to be tried, adjudicated, and imprisoned if found guilty. Has there been any updates on the case started in the Netherlands.
can we please now get the epstein client list?
@mk it would be nice, I don’t see this getting traction in any litigation. I give it less than %1 of getting adjudicated in a court of law.
but joe biden's doj indicted donald trump argueing that NOBODY is above the law !!!!!111
@mk that case is going to be swept into the legal equivalent of the dust bin. It’s going nowhere.
i don't think so.. there's too much eyes on the epstein client list.
if trump really publishes the documents, people will demand justice or turn away from the matrix.
@mk I hadn’t heard Trump had some kind of involvement with the release of ‘The Epstein List’. Translating this list to charges and then prosecuting these defendants will take a long time.
there's always the court of public opinion and they'll confict much faster.
@mk for some this will matter but the majority won’t care.
"that crime is mass negligent homicide."
@mk I hope he gets tried, adjudicated, found guilty, dies imprisoned. I have low-confidence that this will actually occur.
sounds like you lost trust in the rule of law. ;-)
@mk Justice is supposed to be blind. Conducting a case against someone as powerful as Gates has got to be tough. I’d be pleasantly surprised if a severe penalty can be enforced against someone with enough power to relocate to a country with no extradition treaties.