When I retire I’m going scorched Earth on LinkedIn.
I dropped them a long time ago
I will have post after post about the shitty thing each manager and coworker did to me. Will tag each one. It will be glorious, and it will be livestreamed.
I’ll mostly just make fun of people for how shallow and vapid they are on there.
This exchange of 50 year old men enraged me
I despise it more and more every day. It is the embodiment of unchecked self-centeredness for the goal of maybe making a few more dollars.
Some people are sincere, but sincerity has been destroyed on the platform because it is now a currency.
The world's oldest profession is now the center of every profession, and LinkedIn is the primary platform to demonstrate this.
I can't wait for the day that the whooring for engagement means less than nothing.
@DrChris I’ve a few months (6-8 months) to make sure im out. I’m gonna cut the rope on the hellish suspension bridge of linked-in.
If I get one more message about hey your the grand pooba of C at A company can I introduce you to security camera whatnot.