Predating all the Gretards who are convinced that hot summers are new phenomenon.
@BowsacNoodle @BattleDwarfGimli @Autumn @Sirchasm
The reality is, if they all jumped into an active volcano they would actually solve the Climate crisis.
Since they themselves are the entire Climate Crisis.
It will exist as long as they claim it does because, lets face it, outside their marxist shit show there ain't no climate crisis and never were.
Ergo, sacrificing all climate marxists would effectively solve the climate crisis.
I approve of this solution.
Yes. It's so easy to prove that it's a scam.
Carbon dioxide is reduced to a fraction of what it used to be.
Carbon dioxide never caused climate change in the past.
Also, not man made charges, natural change of carbon dioxide outside humanities control is many times larger but for some reason is NOT a problem?
Only human traced carbon dioxide is?
So then nature must be trying to change the Co2 level to maintain the perfect climate but humans keep fckng it up?
@EvolLove had lunch w/a friend - she's 87 - grew up inland South Carolina - no AC - they had several box fans. She finds it hilarious people are complaining - "it's summer, it's hot, get over it" she sez
I have to confess. I have grown to become weak. I am now using the AC. But I also moved from the North to the south as a middle aged man. Seems like my body has yet to adapt.
That said. These summers, last decade on average have been weak, not that hot. And the winters have been cooler and longer.
The current house has poor insulation. With a proper built house, we wouldn't need the AC.
Bought an older property with a few buildings. It's cool without AC. Moving soon.
@EvolLove I love the AC and need it for health issues - besides I don't want my books or art to mold. Not apologizing lol