@verita84_automata use the decentralized models. That's the only path forward.
@verita84_automata I use the primitive Brave AI to scour libraries that are well documented but lack good examples. There's also instances for CoPilot that I've seen that would be useful. There are benefits to these tools, but you need to treat them like a new grad trying to impress you.
@verita84_automata I've used the Brave AI (even with prompts) for single iteration stories, I've used it for looking up documentation on if components are compatible. A use case you may like is the prompt: what is causing this error or what does this error mean? ERROR HERE. The main benefit I see is document research or examples when Stack Overflow is letting you down.
@verita84_automata I don't try a lot of models because I know change is high in this area. I did bookmark this, however.