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Politically correct naming of thieves and criminals. "South American gang". Can we get any more vague with a description? Seems to be derived from FBI Public affairs post. Cary, NC is rated as one of the safest locations in the country.

@LorenzoRojo there are some rough spots in Cary. You essentially have part of Cary that is Indian, a part that is South/Central American, and part that is White


@kgibson I lived a stones throw from Oakland, CA city border. Believe me it is not that rough in Cary. I had constant noise from police helictopters and whistles on exhaust pipes.

@LorenzoRojo relatively speaking, of course it is safer than Oakland - but Cary isnt the utopian paradise its made out to be (i live near)

@kgibson i managed to make it out of Duck donuts alive this morning