Conservatives now want to blame mass shootings on big pharma. That most shooters are on depression meds etc. I don't know that that's true and if it was, is the argument that society and these people would be overall better off without the drugs? I assume they'd never support banning people on these meds from having access to the guns. 2A etc.
Anyway, it's the guns that make somebody who'd otherwise stab a bunch of people, much more efficient killing machines.
you're ok with regulating guns and the use of them like cars in the US? deal.
@wjmaggos Why would I be ok with it? You're clueless. Did you read anything I posted today? HOW IS WHAT YOURE PROPOSING HELPING THE SITUATION WITH CARS IN GERMANY, YOU IMBECILE?
@wjmaggos Would more regulation prevent this? More government interference, red tape? Safety courses? Insurance? How would any of this stop a CAR from killing innocent people?
How about this guy? Maybe we should mandate him to have a milion dollar coverage insurance? What is the difference?
I love how the people who say we need guns to fight back against a corrupt govt also say nobody needs guns to kill people. they are efficient weapons. we can't stop everybody from wanting to kill people. they will also find other weapons. but do less damage. the whole point of my OP above.
@wjmaggos They are tools like a hammer or a car. It's the person that gives them a purpose. Without a person they are just objects. It's the crazy people that need to be supervised. And any weapon Is as efficient as the person wilding it. Have you ever shot a gun?
@FourOh-LLC @wjmaggos People, emotionally immature think that shooting works like they are in a western movie. I've seen many people having problems with a consistent draw, 2 shots and holster from 15 yards. Now incorporate magazine change into that and a moving target. It's the reason chicago has a high number of wounded in comparison to kills. Gangbangers don't go to the range.
@FourOh-LLC @wjmaggos Most gang bangers don't carry an extra mag. Also their ammo is not uniform and gun often jams. With 3d printing, the quality of handguns has been drastically improving. Polymer doesn't rust.
@FourOh-LLC @wjmaggos Unfortunately I'm in NJ where gun laws are strict for the law abiding citizens. I don't believe that I could legaly carry in the parks. But ranges here are growing in popularity and many people are carrying with a permit. It's just extremely tricky since everything is a gun free zone.
@FourOh-LLC I'm aware of Soviet occupation since I grew up in Poland in the 70s and 80s. It's the reason I have much disdain for people like @wjmaggos who worship the power of the government.
@wjmaggos Could use a trip to Venezuela. Explore venezuelian empathy.
That revolver is tiny.
22 as a round will do alot of damage by bouncing around but not sure about a stopping power on a biger animal. Cute gun! @wjmaggos
@FourOh-LLC 20 yard in the city is a long shot. Backstop has to be there when people are around. Most shootings are at point blank anyways. Kids will run up to you and try to get one off. Adults don't mess around with nonsense unless it pays big.
@FourOh-LLC It's good news about relaxed regulations. I have a range membership and enjoy shooting, but when I'm short on time or like to test my ability to hit a moving target I use this invention. It paid itself off in the ammo I saved while being able to dry fire and practice magazine changes.
@FourOh-LLC @wjmaggos I'm a big fan of open spaces who just happened to live in the most densely populated state in the US. One day....
@spacemanspiff @wjmaggos @OneEyeKing
Maggots is a disingenuous retard who fucks baby kittens.