There are reports that USSS Director Che@tle and her team are LIVID that Trump supporters are blaming them for their failure on Saturday. As a result, they are doubling down refusing to increase Trump's security detail or even to reconsider their security plans for the RNC.
@Titanbreakerkun @PNS @dictatordave
why fire her?
they're obviously trying to kill's not a secret.
@dictatordave @PNS @Titanbreakerkun
"somethings broke with the corruption machine"
it seems like it all started when the epstein-stone was lifted and all the cockroaches panicked.
zionist childfuckers don't like to get exposed.
@PNS typical prog lefty today. Blame everyone else for their complete incompetence. Admission to the failure in protection is the only other logical reason
@PNS no change to their plans, we'll just keep fucking up until he is dead