Oh but he fucking did dude. He drove through a god damn library. It was filled with kids and his dozer literally went though the room where they had been before the reverse 911 call evacuated them.
literally killed nobody
He had firearms on the dozer and shot at several of the local cops.
The 2019 documentary Tread is a really good look at his life. It's pretty balanced too. It started with his friends and ex-girlfriend and they all defend him. But it also plays all his old audio tapes:
It then interviews all the people he "wronged." The city bent over backwards for the guy. They didn't fine him for not being connected to the sewer (he literally used and old cement mixer that was overflowing and leaking shit onto other property). They even offered to pay for some of his sewage hookup feeds (which no city ever does). He turned down over $400,000 for the property (far more than market value and would have earned him an insane profit) and he was even given an offer to trade at a profit, for a better location on the highway and he didn't take it.
This guy also covered the other side of the story, but he's kinda annoying to listen to, but it covers some stuff not in the documentary:
And you can find the dude's tapes on the Archive. Guy is not a hero man. You know how psychopaths will video things entirely differently than how they happen? Serial killers think their victims want it? That's this dude. He's no hero. Dude was unhinged and the only reason he didn't kill someone was due to the police doing their job and evacuating everyone.
I use to believe the "official" meme story too, but when you look into it, it's really really sad.
I drove down my driveway earlier where my dog had literally just been moments before... I guess I almost killed him.
The dude drove through a library with a bulldozer. That's not even remotely comparable. If you drive through a building and happen to not kill anyone, it doesn't fucking matter. It's still reckless and anyone not making a straw-man knows it's blatant disregard for any human life.
why are you ... posting fucking imdb links
So you have a source if you want to watching the documentary if you want?! Why are you bitching when someone literally sources what they're talking about?
I never said he was a hero, I just said you're making retarded false equivalences.
I'm not making a false equivalence. Unless you're saying the UHealth CEO killer was less reckless because his attack was targeted? He still had no regard for that man's family. If it was due to a denied claim, it's not like shooting that guy is going to make any difference.
It's not like murder isn't fucking wrong.
Well I just saw this, so I take back this
it's not like shooting that guy is going to make any difference
...murder is still wrong and the Killdozer dude was a psycho.
@djsumdog @freemayonnaise @sardonicsmile
Kildozer was morally justified.
ALL People who participate in the scam that is insurance are retards, and there is nothing immoral about them no longer being alive.