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Team A jews want to exterminate Whites and other White-adjacent tech races RIGHT NOW. They live entirely in the present, but they intuitively know the technological races of Mankind will eventually do something about their parasitic kikery.

Every day that passes, ZOG gets weaker.


Those screenshots sum it up well.

Now contrast the 9-to-5 privatized business model with Russia's nationalist model of self-defense. Their war machine has factories running on a 24/7 basis, literally non-stop production.

China can stand up a factory and have it running on the same 24/7 basis in days/weeks.



While ZOG’s bureau corporations are losing the ability to build high tech hardware, charismatic techlords with personally loyal techpriests are building new high tech hardware, that is proprietary to the techlord. SpaceX Raptor is a labor of love.

Look at SpaceX and Stoke. Look at the Russians and Chinese. All White and Asian engineers and technicians.

The jews are in a conundrum. They are utterly dependent on the tech races, but the tech races will eventually go for jüdenfrei.