@Sirpantangelini they already pay extra for H-1B holders. To get H1B you need to have prearranged contract and doing that remotely it's cheap to begin with.
But hey, how about having American youth to kinda comprehend that working for living is the way to go and living off your momma is fuckin' gay, you know, like it was just some 20 years ago? That should do the trick, no?
@threalist @Sirpantangelini I'm saying that if you want a foreign worker, it is you who's arranging for his H-1B. That means you'll most likely need to pay an immigration lawyer and you'll probably need to have an interviewer wherever you're hiring. That's just for starters, and that alone makes employing a foreigner more expensive than employing a local at a minimum wage. Prolly, like, twice as expensive if it's just for a season.
You see, it only make sense if local kids don't want to work
@threalist @Sirpantangelini man, let's be honest here. Will you go picking strawberries for 2k a month?
Presumably you won't and nor will your kids even though they have no living expenses whatsoever. Am I wrong?
And assuming I'm not wrong, how much will be too much for strawberries for you?
@threalist @Sirpantangelini that would suck. But somebody has to do the job for less than you're willing to pay for the produce