@placebo oh were they. right. RT said so so it gotta be right, because, obviously. Kremlin never bullshits!
Unlike actual texts from the region dating back to 3rd century BCE like Mahabharata
@john_darksoul @placebo did enough gym in the military. I'm retired now and can afford not to sweat these days, boy. I highly recommend it, btw. Might want to try it one day, after your mom stops supporting you ;)
@placebo and here's Krishna with blue skin. Krishna being black in Sanskrit btw. Your point, again...
@placebo it's kinda hard to find pictures of modern brahmins these days since cast system was outlawed these days in Indiana, but here's one for ya.
What you have there is a wedding pic of some random couple ;)
@placebo dude, I don't live in Indiana so I'm obviously no expert, but I know for a fact that the caste system is illegal these days and there's no white native Indians, which is the only population we might be possibly considering. That's as much as I can tell fosho after being there a few times as a tourist
@placebo please explain?
You mean to say that if someone disagrees with you because one can see with his own eyeballs, one's a Jew?
The idea of Hitler being a fuckin' idiot is not allowed at all? You know, even though that was a guy who was consulting astrologists before making decisions?
@placebo did you even read the Mahabharata? Do you even know what we're talking about?
everyone loves the pale brunettes.