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Matt Hamilton

Interesting metric to watch for as the US economic decline continues:

An increase in very dark "bug screens" around high-end residential properties.

These aren't bug screens, but coated stainless steel meshes and frames placed around windows and doors, basically modern window bars.

If you see these popping up in ritzy areas near you, it means wealthy people think shit's going to get real:

For any of you with disposable income, I'd buy these in a heartbeat if I could afford it. They're certainly not cheap. But windows are easy access for someone who isn't afraid of being caught.

These are much more attractive than security bars, and these almost always hold up better, prevent people from throwing things between the bars (flashbangs, anyone?), can be opened from inside, and provide some hurricane and projectile protection.

If I could afford them today, I'd buy them tomorrow.

Good opportunity to once again advise people to replace their door’s strike plate and hinge screws with 3” deck screws, and buy and install DoorArmor and window film if you have the skill.

It’s all about buying yourself time.

Fun fact: 100% of home invasions occur at the home!

Door Armor:

I wonder how much these run .... asking for a friend

@djsumdog not cheap. Very rough estimate, but a few grand per window/door. The mesh alone is a few mid-hundred bucks, then it has to be welded and fit to a T4 aluminum frame, labor to affix it, etc.

@eriner @djsumdog you got my hopes up, then dashed them quite expertly.

@eriner and just like in tithe Purge, the "security" features are poorly spec's and easily defeated, but Ethan Hawke still cashed the checks.

@pepsi_man I don't know, I'd need to try to rip one off myself to render a useful judgement, but from what I've seen, I think for someone with the money, these are probably worth investigating, at the very least.

@eriner Why the hell are you not doing the tip of the day, Sir?

@eriner They won't ship to Canada like many USA based companies these days.

These types of things are very hard to come by in Kanada for a lone time, they've been banning home reinforcement quietly here for a long time, municipalities outlawing gates and wrap around fencing, those lower door jam blockers and such aren't sold in stores here

@Zahadoom dang, that sucks. I found it on, but I don’t know how much more it costs (don’t know the exchange rate to do mental math):

On the bright side, merely replacing the 1/2” strike plate screws with 3” deck screws will go a long way.

@eriner wow over double the price, yeah I've done that screw upgrade on last two houses

@eriner Can't wait to sit out in the wasteland and tell the others how I got the privilege to be alive eating squirrel stew in hell because of the weeks my prepper rig bought me. I understand the thinking, but to me there is only one option: Prevent the worst. All contingency plans are worthless. There is nothing on the other side of a SHTF scenario worth living for. If we are talking about braving a minor speed bump en route to a new Trump era roaring 20s, here's hoping

@eriner I think at least some of the ones pictured are just polyester shades, they're very common in desert areas like the first photo to keep home cooler and reduce light in homes designed with badly planned windows.

@Zettour Possibly. High-occlusion "solar screens" are also dark, and security screens are generally darker. All images were pulled from security screen installers, but you may be right, the first pic may be "solar screens" and not SS security mesh.

@eriner Nice. I need to get these on the old double-wide.