Fuck Soros.
Fuck Liz Cheney.
Fuck Bono.
Fuck Hitlery.
Btw, U2's lead guitarist, "Edge, " could not hold his own with a Jr. high garage band.
He is THAT inept.
fuck Joe Biden.
@thatlarryshow Not that I care much about the Nobel Prize feasts, but he, at the table, wore a beanie with his tux in 2018. Like a moron.
I remember when U2 was newish, one band among many. I don't play guitar, but I thought his sound and style was kind of new. But I hear so many going along in that vein. Not much riffs, just bling bling ring ring. It gets boring very fast imo. Well, that is my total amateur opinion.
"Bling bling, ring ring"
Well said.
Beanie Boy cant play for shit, so he camouflages his ineptitude with effects.