Constitutional Conservatives can't wrap their heads around the fact that the "founding fathers" had no authority to bind the people alive at the time to their political whims with some made up document, let alone the generations that follow.
No understanding of consent or authority.
The State could put them in an iron cage for something they didn't do, and they'll continue to go on about how "the Constitution is the greatest document ever, we must support it!"
No concept of military conquest and propaganda either.
They still think we beat Britain.
Patrick Henry "I smell a rat".
Only 30 of the 55 stayed for the full term in Philadelphia for the convention, 16 refused immediately, the other 9 peeled off soon after.
Aaron Burr is a coincidence.
@jazzilla Your obsession with the Brits is unmatched.
Your point has no relevance.
King in America? King in England? Makes no difference.
Your obsession with artificial constructs is unmatched.
Focus on power. It's very relevant. In fact, it's all that's going on.