This is clearly 5th gen warfare. A bad actor, foreign or domestic, pushing this out to reignite racial tensions after the mainstream media hit the snooze button for four years. If the mainstream media has any honor at all, they will not fan this spark, but seek to extinguish it before casting blame.
And MSNBC just shot this hope in the face. Disingenuous propagandists will manipulate racial tensions to undermine the American people ahead of a Trump admin.
clearly all the racists on NAS SPC and poast etc are Russian bots.
@wjmaggos Ask yourself, who benefits from this? What purpose does this serve?
more likely some random assholes than a false flag.
@wjmaggos it’s not a false flag, people are receiving these tests, but smart money is on left wing activist group or foreign actors.
@IceCubeSoup @wjmaggos just maggos, he’s hung out long enough to learn a thing or two.