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@icedquinn my water is "free" except for the marginal cost of electricity, this water is $1.73 per gallon, and walmart (last time i cared to look) had $0.69/gal - definitely less than half the cost regardless.

But what's the issue you take with it? Is it because a tote that size holds >400 gallons and can be filled for some marginal cost (say a quarter ($0.25) a gallon at an RO facility)?

or is it because it's non-returnable, lol

@picofarad i'm just looking up alkaline waters for the lulz and they're like :blobcatsuit: would you like an ENTIRE PALETTE of water bottles?

@icedquinn I got an older friend that occasionally will post 55 gallon drum pricing for things like personal lubricant with the same sensawonder