I feel like I go over this once a year.
Ronald was a democrat in his youth, turned conservative because he made more money doing it.
He cheated on his wife. His new wife, the bitch whore Nancy, intentionally excluded his two children as much as possible.
He dodged the draft until he couldn't anymore, then got an acting job for the Army.
Even when his personal friend was suffering from AIDs, he cut him out and allowed his press secretary to openly mock it.
"Trickle down economics", aka the rise of unhindered monopolies and the stock market grift, was a complete scam, knowingly so.
He was an FBI informant.
He, arguably, embezzled money from SAG after using his FBI informant role to oust his rivals.
He started the war on drugs.
He reinforced the precedent that when an American president is debilitated, their spouse becomes defacto President.
He closed the asylums in California.
I could go on.
@truthbait @sun @professortom I think Ronald Reagan and his bitch wife Nancy were traitors, fake Christians, and the predominant influence that led to the current depressionary cycle of Americanism, despite being touted at the time (and even to this day, in the minds of many) as being some kind of Hero.
@truthbait @sun @professortom And if he is the embodiment of modern Republicanism, as many hold him up to be, it explains my utter disdain for Republicans. The Democrats are retarded, shit, and evil, yes. But the Republicans are just the weak controlled opposition. I find it utterly repulsive.
@eriner @truthbait @sun I'm not sure one can say that Reagan is the embodiment of modern Republicanism in that, there don't seem to be many Reagan Republicans left. They all went neocon under Bush 43 after 9/11.
If anything, Trump is a new Reagan, at least as a hinge/turning point in politics.
@sun @eriner @truthbait I've heard it said that the number one job of a President is to be a salesman for the United States