@noelreports and here I was thinking #maduro was a radical left winger.
But he’s apparently as ‘left’ as #putin. He will love to be in the company of other dictators or wannabe dictators, such as #trump.
@noelreports and here I was thinking #maduro was a radical left winger.
But he’s apparently as ‘left’ as #putin. He will love to be in the company of other dictators or wannabe dictators, such as #trump.
I rapporti della “sinistra” tra Brasile e Venezuela https://umanitanova.org/i-rapporti-della-sinistra-tra-brasile-e-venezuela/ #autoritarismo #bolivarismo #sudamerica #numero_34 #venezuela #Articoli #DalMondo #Analisi #brasile #chavez #maduro #Brics #2024 #lula
Venezuela, leftist discourse
So, you prefer #Maduro's #Venezuela to a founder of #BRICS? What did you expect from it? An alliance with anti-imperialist, progressive or socialist principles, or simply made for countries that can't trade or have relations with the US or EU?
It wasn’t so different from the *communications* strategy deployed by #Newsmax right up until they settled: Talk a lot about things that have little to do w/2020. Days earlier, the pro-#Trump network had put out a stmnt slamming Mugica’s firm as “the preferred #election company for #Venezuela’s brutal #Chavez / #Maduro regime” & sniffing that the court should never have allowed “a company w/such a sordid reputation to pursue a defamation claim against a media company.”
the #dictator #maduro who lost the #election has now decided that #Christmas season begins 1st of #October in a hope that people would forget that he cheated and illegally grabbed the power in #Venezuela
This was the best his #russian #overlords managed to cook together.
Source: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/maduros-krisdrag-nu-ar-det-jul-i-venezuela
Venezuela: l’opposition manifeste deux mois après les élections https://www.election-politique.com/index.php?display=M
Things are getting worse in #Venezuela.
I was a fan of #Chavez, for all his faults, but #Maduro has clearly failed the capitalize on the success of his predecessor, running of the country into the ground, and refuses to let #democracy vote him out. They don't have to embrace #capitalism, that's a pretty unreasonable demand, and it clearly was not working for them, but it's really sad how a country I remember going through a democratic change in policy on a massive level when I was younger, this poster child for grassroots change, has become effectively a #dictatorship by someone who just can't admit that he was never up for the task.
Sechs Ausländer wegen "Destabilisierung" in Venezuela festgenommen
Venezuela hat inmitten diplomatischer Spannungen mit den USA und Spanien einige Staatsbürger dieser Länder festgenommen. Sie sollen "Gewaltakte" gegen Staatspräsident Maduro und die Regierung geplant haben.
#Trump keeps coming back to #Venezuela #crime rates, which he claims have declined. This has NO BASIS IN #REALITY. Caracas remains one of the world’s most dangerous cities.
He is simply a #Maduro wannabe.
The violent crime #FactCheck by David Muir is 4th time ABC moderators have had to correct Trump.
3/5 Aquest moviment suggereix que el govern de Maduro està calculant acuradament les seves accions per evitar una reacció social més gran, amb l'oposició debilitada i la seva capacitat de pressió limitada. #Maduro
A 14 year old white school shooter, a murderer of 4 humans in #Georgia last week was treated more gently than the top wide receiver in the #NFL #TyreekHill by the out-of-control power crazed, inept #Miami motorcycle police. They must be fired, arrested and jailed for aggravated battery and abuse of power. A minor traffic stop turned into a fiasco and has embarrassed the City of Miami. Huge lawsuits will follow. #IdiotsonParade These cops think they are #Maduro
Was macht denn der #Linke #Sozialist #Maduro da?
Nachdem er das Land in Grund und Boden gewirtschaftet hat, die Macht seiner korrupten Gesinnungsgenossen zementierte, geht es jetzt an die Beseitigung der Opposition.
Ich kann mich noch erinnern, wie die #Jounalisten des #ZDF seinen Amtsantritt ( lange her) bejubelt haben.
Nach Haftbefehl in Venezuela: Oppositionspolitiker González in Spanien
Er sieht sich als rechtmäßiger Gewinner der venezolanischen Präsidentenwahl vom Juli: Nachdem der Oppositionspolitiker González wegen eines Haftbefehls in die spanische Botschaft geflüchtet war, hat er sich jetzt nach Spanien abgesetzt.
Nach Haftbefehl: Oppositionspolitiker González verlässt Venezuela
Er sieht sich als rechtmäßiger Gewinner der venezolanischen Präsidentenwahl vom Juli: Nachdem der Oppositionspolitiker González wegen eines Haftbefehls in die spanische Botschaft geflüchtet war, hat er sich jetzt nach Spanien abgesetzt.
I guess they found out where the gusano was hiding, but if he is, there's no mention of it on GCHQ's bestest website, BBC.
"Venezuelan security forces have surrounded the Argentine embassy, which is sheltering six political opponents of President Nicolás Maduro, in the capital Caracas. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c207958pp9qo
#Venezuela's #President Nicolas #Maduro to sign decree officially moving the #Christmas holiday to #October 1 amid #political turmoil over contested #election results: #news #Caracas https://www.dw.com/en/venezuela-maduro-moves-christmas-to-october-amid-turmoil/a-70126477
(VIDEO) Lo que faltaba: Nicolás Maduro “adelantó” la Navidad en Venezuela
En medio del repudio internacional que ha causado el fraude electoral que lo perpetró en el poder y la persecución política contra el candidato Edmundo González, contra quien pesa ahora una orden de captura, el dictador venezolano Nicolás Maduro salió ahora con la última de sus inesperadas decisiones: adelantar la Navidad. “Está llegando septiembre y […]
#Maduro #Mundo #Mundo #Política #Venezuela
#Maduro no se fía de tener controladas a las masas después de su escandaloso #fraude electoral y se pone a repartir prebendas subsidiadas, a ver si puede callar la boca de los venezolanos llenándosela con un jamón. Y si el jamón estaba previsto para las fiestas navideñas pues se adelanta la #Navidad y punto